Welcome to ESBICM® – Educational Society of Bedside Intensive Care Medicine!
We are an organization dedicated to transforming the delivery of intensive care worldwide by providing FREE Bedside Intensive Care Education to all healthcare professionals involved in the care of critically ill patients.
The “BEDSIDE” in ESBICM® symbolizes the art of clinical examination, data interpretation, and diagnosis at the patient’s bedside. This plays a crucial role in managing critically ill patients in the ICU. ESBICM® aims to revive this essential skill in Intensive Care Units, which often takes a backseat with the rapid evolution of modern medicine. Our goal is to ensure that better and critical care is provided not only in well-equipped centres but also in the small and most remote ICUs around the world, where modern facilities are often lacking.
To learn more about our mission and activities, please read the “What We Do” section. Welcome to this exciting journey of learning with ESBICM® – the Educational Society of Bedside Intensive Care Medicine!
The ICU Channel has become the primary video platform for ESBICM educational content. Its objective is to cover the entire Intensive Care syllabus, alongside day-to-day bedside practical teachings and guidance on handling challenges.
If you have any questions related to a video topic, you can ask in the “comments” section of that particular video. For more detailed explanations, you can inquire on the ESBICM discussion forums.
If you are unable to find a video on a topic you are searching for, you can submit a request by filling out the form here.
The ESBICM forums provide an excellent platform for healthcare professionals to post, share, discuss, learn, relearn, and enhance their understanding of bedside intensive care medicine concepts.
ESBICM Google Group, now open to all, shares important documents like reference articles, guidelines, and presentations, as well as information on upcoming online critical care classes, workshops, and conferences.
The ESBICM Telegram group facilitates direct voice message explanations by Dr. Ankur Gupta, Founder and President of ESBICM. It is also used to share reference articles and updates.
ESBICM conducts regular online critical care classes in-house, typically via Zoom or Google Meet. These sessions are recorded and the uncut versions are shared in ESBICM member’s panel and via Google Group.
Lifetime Membership to ESBICM is free for healthcare professionals working in or interested in bedside intensive care, particularly critical care doctors and nurses. Apply for ESBICM Membership
If you wish to learn, contribute, and address the local academic needs of your peers, institution, city, state, country, or even the world, becoming an ESBICM Academic Volunteer is a valuable opportunity. Read more details here.
The ICU Channel is also on Instagram, where we share not only academic content but also behind-the-scenes moments and lighter aspects of ICU life. Follow us on Instagram under the name “theicuchannel.”
Sharing daily ICU data online boosts clinical skills and patient care. The ESBICM ICU Data Archive, with ABGs, ECGs, Radiology, Bedside Clinical Signs, and ICU Clinical Data, achieves this. The database is always expanding, so check it frequently.
The ESBICM blog purpose is to provide insights and clarity on complicated, controversial, and important critical care topics in a simplified manner for intensive care professionals. The blog is in its early stages and will gradually cover more topics over time.
This was a very informative, comprehensive , encompassing all students, teachers alike, thanks a lot for sharing such great session….
@bardaasht007The ICU Channel member
First and foremost, I would like to commend you on your exceptional teaching skills. Despite being physically distant from you, I could feel the energy and passion radiating through your words and gestures. Your ability to captivate and engage your audience is truly remarkable, and it made the learning experience all the more enriching. It is evident that you possess a rare talent for simplifying intricate ideas without compromising their essence. This skill, combined with your infectious enthusiasm, has undoubtedly made a lasting impact on me as a learner..
smilesfornafisaThe ICU Channel member
Thank you so much sir. For such a wonderful session on ventilation.
@ShyamSundar-wt9drThe ICU Channel
I am proud of Dr. Ankur and his enthusiasm in training youngsters. This channel is all his effort and I am honored and privileged to be able to contribute to his selfless initiative. Dear Ankur, continue this wonderful work, more teachers will join the channel. Remember the saying ” Mai chalta gaya, loog judthe gaye, Carva banta gaya”…meaning I started on this journey alone, good people kept joining with me, and soon a Caravan took shape.
Dr. P. K. JainChairman, CCEF
thank you! intubating for the first time today in the operating room.
laurenbasso45The ICU Channel member
Feels like listening TedX talks I will try to implement some values in my behavior out of 20 values that you discussed sir to have balance in house and work deeds.
sarangjaiswal3789The ICU channel member
Marvellous clinical skill
narmadaskinclinic6750The ICU channel member
Sir , i work in ICU In nepal as Mo, have faced similar scenario , who needed, emergenecy exp-lap. thank you
shankarrimal4611The ICU Channel member
Well highlighted. This is an important aspect of clear communication , to prevent unpleasant altercations. Better stance ,honesty & sincere body language will mitigate any medicolegal issues. Enjoyed the behind the scenes bungling
vijayalakshmicmsunderaj595The ICU Channel member
Good discussion sir with great efforts. Sir I am a Pediatrician but still your video keeps stick me to watch till end.
GauravKumar-st1cdThe ICU Channel Member
Really Clear Explanation Sir.. Thank you so much for Sharing Such an imp information regarding Critical care
drrajbhaiyarajput4182The ICU Channel member
Thank u thank u soo soo much sir……when u didnt replied to my request …i thought how stupid of me to request a DOCTOR to teach the basics of ICU…I felt very bad….but u proved me wrong Sir……its so humble and generous of u…most of the time I met the doctors in ICU are very stubborn and arrogant bt u r very down to earth…once again thanks a lot and keep motivating us by such useful and knowledgeable vdos….luv from a fresher nurse…
parveenkhan2924The ICU Channel member
I started working in ICU n hdu during COVID,and I started watching Ur videos n it helped me alot in dealing with CPAP n bipap n ventilator settings, I have learned so much from u thanku so much Dr….GOD BLESS YOU
dranamjan6138The ICU Channel member
Its really helpful video to clarify my knowledge and make me get better , thnku for such basic and useful information
shubhamnpandey1712The ICU channel member
I didn’t even search for this video it was showing in home screen and my first icu duty will start from day after tomorrow. What a coincidence
strange7529The ICU Channel member
If you also want to share your testimonial or feedback with us, please do so by filling the form here. We would love to here from you.
Dr. Ankur delivering the lecture on ESBICM foundation day on 11th Oct. 2018. Since its inception, ESBICM has been trying to improve the Bedside Intensive Care across the world in whatever way it can with the help of its viewers and members like you!
Dr. Ankur Gupta receiving “Best Intensivist of the Year award 2019′ from Cabinet Minister, Mr. Anurag Thakur.
“BEDSIDE medicine, when applied to Intensive Care, works wonders for both the ICU team and patients. ESBICM® is dedicated to reviving and spreading this vital clinical art and will continue to provide it for free to healthcare professionals, forever.”
Dr. Ankur Gupta, Intensivist, Learning Teacher and Founder President, ESBICM